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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

From a doctor

Don't put anything in the water!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 @04:44AM
by Robert C. Dickson

Dear editor,
As a medical practitioner for three decades and a leader of the anti-fluoride movement in Calgary for four years, my tendency and preference has been to walk a calm, rational path and attempt to entice colleagues and the powers that be to look objectively at the facts and new information around water fluoridation. However, I find myself becoming increasingly angry and frustrated with the political and medical scam behind this issue.
Read these lines carefully, before leaping into the fluoridation abyss:
Water fluoridation does NOT protect teeth and prevent cavities. A case can be made for topical fluoride use but not for the ingested variety.
-This is not natural calcium fluoride nor pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride that is being dumped into our mostly pure and clean water systems, but a highly toxic industrial waste hydrofluorosilicic acid, which is scrubbed out of the smoke stacks of the fertilizer and aluminium industries.
-Hydrofluorosilicic acid is not fully tested or approved for human use in North America and we are uncertain as to what happens when it dissociates in water.

-This volatile toxin is an enzymatic poison that accumulates in neurological tissue, endocrine tissue and excessively in the bones, making bones thicker but weaker and more brittle.
-95% of British Columbia and 98% of Europe is non-fluoridated and, you guessed it, their teeth are as good or better than Alberta, where 75% is fluoridated, and the USA where 65% is fluoridated.
-Dental decay is a condition associated with poor nutrition, overuse of sugary foods and drinks, poor dental hygiene and lack of good quality basic dental care.
-Water fluoridation does NOT help poor children. Many studies bear this out.
My simple request is that every medical and dental practitioner and each politician in your area read the amazingly powerful 2004 book, The Fluoride Deception, by Christopher Bryson. With over 100 pages of documentation, this book reveals fluoridation as the disgusting and disheartening crime against the general public that it is.
Sometimes it is hard to admit that the proverbial wool has been pulled over our eyes. Dr. Hardy Limeback, head of Preventative Dentistry at the University of Toronto, made that leap in 1998 and I followed in 1999. We have since been attempting to send fluoride to rest along with leaded gasoline and paint, asbestos, DDT, thalidomide, hexavalent chromium and many of the other follies from the era of chemical evangelicism.

Dr. Robert C. Dickson,

Family Physician, Calgary


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