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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, January 20, 2007

USA - This says a lot about fluoridation's effectiveness

Tooth pain gnaws at Spartanburg's youths.
One quarter of children in Spartanburg County -- twice as many as the percentage statewide -- need immediate dental care, according to a Statewide Oral Health Needs Assessment done by South Carolina's health department in 2002. Often abscesses -- oral, bacterial infections with pools of pus and swollen gums -- grow from untreated cavities to cause that need.
"The child is in pain," said David Rustin, executive director for Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg. "In some cases the mouth is in terrible shape."

Spartanburg, South Carolina is fluoridated NYSCOF

................Tooth decay afflicts five times more children than asthma and seven times more than hay fever. Kids nationwide, distracted by dental woes, lose more than 51 million hours of school time each year, according to a 2000 report by the U.S. Surgeon General.

USA is mainly fluoridated!


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