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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, January 24, 2008

USA - Letter: Pro-fluoride position scientifically indefensible

Letter: Pro-fluoride position scientifically indefensible
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Michael Easley, who travels the country promoting fluoridation, prefers to ignore the scientific evidence of harm found in the landmark 2006 National Research Council report on the toxicity of fluoride in water. Instead, he throws out irrelevant nonsense such as how many bathtubs full of water it would supposedly take to kill a person.
Easley’s tactics are designed to distract people from understanding that fluoride accumulates insidiously in the body like lead and inflicts its damage over long periods of time. Water fluoridation at one part per million has resulted in one third of American children now suffering with dental fluorosis. This permanent, abnormal and often disfiguring discoloration of the teeth is visible proof of fluoride overdose.
Even the American Dental Association now recommends no fluoridated water for babies during the first year of life.
Fluoridation is known to be especially risky for diabetics, those with kidney or thyroid problems, as well as athletes and outdoor workers who drink unusually large amounts of water. Accumulation of fluoride in bone over time also leads to increased risk of fractures. Technicians can generally control the concentration of fluoride in water, but they cannot control the dose, as widely varying amounts are always consumed in any given population. This is why Nobel Laureate Dr. Arvid Carlsson says, “fluoridation violates all modern pharmacological principles ... it is obsolete.”
The only thing that keeps fluoridation going is endless, mind-numbing endorsements from promoting agencies that have locked themselves into a position that is scientifically indefensible. Almost all medically advanced countries have rejected or banned fluoridation. Stuart residents should protect themselves and vote a resounding “no” on fluoridation on Tuesday.

For more information, see: www.fluorideAction.org


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