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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, February 22, 2008

UK - Authorities excessively concerned with tooth decay

Authorities excessively concerned with tooth decay
Calderdale Citizens' Protest Against Fluoridation,
Duck Hill,
Pecket Well.
IT has often been said that "Truth is stranger than fiction" Nowhere in the past half century, has this been more applicable than to the promotion of fluorides and fluoridation of water supplies, as a safe and effective means of ensuring decay resistant teeth throughout a recipient's life time. Successive Governments in English speaking countries have relied upon this brazen lie since the end of World War Two.
Aspiring nursery nurses, medical and dental students and patients in waiting rooms, school children and their teachers have been indoctrinated with this lie for several successive decades while those with some knowledge and personal experience of fluoride poisoning have been castigated, ridiculed and penalised for their efforts to reveal the truth.
The truth is that fluorides derived from the bonding of fluorine with other elements and chemicals are accumulative systemic poisons which act on all cells in the body I quote from "Dangerous Chemicals" Emergency First Aid Guide edited by Dr Alan Houston MB. BSc. MRCP.. Honorary Registrar to Guy's Poisons Unit and Medical Adviser in Toxicology to the Department of Trade, written in conjunction with Guy's Poisons Unit. Most adult readers will have seen recent press and TV reports of the MoD after years of repudiation and waiting for reductions in the number of claimants, finally making an offer of £8,000 compensation to each of the surviving claimants who were treacherously exposed to the nerve gasses Sarin and Soman at the chemical Defence Research Centre, Porton Down. What the media failed to report is that both these nerve gasses contained fluorine in their molecular chain, as do a number of tranquilizer/antipsychotic drags which frequently aggravate a patient's condition and lead to both homicidal and suicidal behaviour. What is not commonly known is that the anti-depressant drugs Prozac and Seroxat both contain fluorine in their molecular chain or that some of the Phenothiazine tranquilizers also have fluorine added to increase their potency/toxicity. "Trifluoperazine" ( Stelazine) a fluorinated tranquilizer has 25 times the potency/toxicity of "Chlorpromazine"(Largactil)
We have in Calderdale a remarkably high incidence of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, recently reported to be approximately 3,000 out of a population of less than 200,000. We also have quite a high incidence of thyroid dysfunction, children with brain tumours, bone cancer and leukaemia. We also have a Health and Social Care Scrutiny Panel excessively concerned about tooth decay, particularly those of five year old children who are by nature, scheduled to have their milk teeth replaced by the age of eight years
They are currently debating in council whether or not to replace our bin bag collection service with heavy space taking wheelie bins apparently still oblivious to the fact that those of them who are now favouring fluoridation of our water supplies, are whether they realize it or not, suggesting that the entire community should be used as a media for disposal of extremely toxic waste tank washings from the phosphate fertilizer industry Now that is the truth, and what could be stranger than that?
Unless of course it is the fact, that the American Dental Association and the British Fluoridation Society now both recognize that increasing a child’s or an adult’s exposure to fluorides from whatever source can induce Osteoporosis, and Osteosarcoma and Hypothyroidism. After 50 years of promoting the use of fluoridated tap water, fluoride supplements and fluoride toothpastes the BFS is now advising that fluoride drops and tablets should not be given to children. They now advise that only low fluoride bottled spring water should be used for making up a baby's milk substitute feed and that a low- fluoride toothpaste should be used in a tiny amount for brushing an infants teeth and this should be supervised until at least the age of five.



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