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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Shattering of the health myths: The expert advice turning received wisdom on its head

By Matthew Barbour
Last updated at 12:32 AM on 20th April 2010DON'T RINSE AFTER BRUSHING
Dr Philip Stemmer, consultant surgeon at the British Dental Association, says: ‘Leave the sink the moment you’ve finished brushing your teeth — rinsing your mouth out with water washes away the protective fluoride coating left by the toothpaste, which adds hours of protection. Also avoid drinking any fluids for at least half an hour afterwards
— it’s a strange sensation at first, but you quickly get used to it. I even dry my toothbrush before applying toothpaste, as there’s plenty of moisture in your mouth without using extra water.’

No advice about very young children not having any fluoride and is it good to have fluoride all that time being absorbed into your body - it is a poison? Still it is from the BDA and they say in Southampton the SHA got a lot of support for fluoridation when 72% said NO


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