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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, September 03, 2011

USA - Heroes for Health

Heroes for Health
An Interview with Patricia Bragg
by Shannon Nies
............VM: What do you look forward to in the future?
PB: The future is a challenge today in this world we live in. Politically, financially, we need to clean up people that shouldn’t be in government, people that are putting out products that are not healthy, shouldn’t be in business, like cigarettes and alcohol. I admire people that put out healthy products. I admire all the organic farmers in the world.
I look forward to the future where the world is healthy—physically, financially. That our water, our soil, our air is pure and clean. We should ban fluoride, pesticides, cigarettes, alcohol, and all the dangerous products that they’re putting in American foods today. I call them “embalming agents” because that’s what they do when they put a lot of these stabilizers in the foods. Just like the breads.
I’d like us to get back to Mother Nature. That miracle earthworm—she’s tilling the soil night and day, but when they put all those chemicals in the soil, they kill her. My roses are all organically grown. No chemicals, sprays, or fertilizers [are used] on the Bragg Organic Farm in Santa Barbara.................


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