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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, July 05, 2012

The lottery of off-label drug prescription

The lottery of off-label drug prescription
The competition for ‘world’s worst company’ has just become fiercer – and the wider implications are unsettling for users of pharmaceutical-based healthcare. But the pharmaceutical model of healthcare, vaccines and all, may soon change forever.

GSK vs. Monsanto

In the grand All-Fat Cat Corporate Race-to-the-Bottom Sweepstakes for Worst Company in the World, Monsanto has been way ahead for some time. But who’s this making a late run on the outside? Why, it’s UK pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline, surging forward on the news of a record US$3 billion fine for defrauding the USA healthcare system............

Submitted by Robert Pocock (not verified) on Thu, 05/07/2012 - 14:03.

Don't forget that other great chemical experiment in Ireland and the UK Midlands. Nine million EU consumers here are the hapless victims of off-label prescribing via their tap water of untrialled, unlicensed, industrial-grade fluorosilicates. The culprits are cowboy chemical suppliers such as Derivados del Fluor in Spain.


  • Nice post which The competition for world’s worst company’ has just become fiercer and the wider implications are unsettling for users of pharmaceutical-based healthcare. But the pharmaceutical model of healthcare, vaccines and all, may soon change forever. Thanks a lot for posting this article.

    By Anonymous Lindsey, at 05 August, 2012  

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