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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, July 25, 2015

#Boiling your #water will actually increase the concentration of #fluoride. One of the most common questions I get relating to fluoride removal is whether or not you can boil fluoride out of your water. The answer is NO. If you boil water or leave it on a hot plate for an extended period of time, the fluoride will become more #concentrated, remaining in the water as a #FluorineSalt. However, you can boil water to remove fluoride if you capture the water that is evaporated and condense it ( distill it ). The water you collect will contain much less fluoride than your starting water . Or buy a salt water distiller. As an example, when you boil a pot of water on the stove, the fluoride concentration in the water in the pot increases. The water that escapes as steam contains much less fluoride. But you need to capture the steam. #OffTheGrid #Survivor  #4biddenknowledge


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