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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, March 31, 2017

USA - Fluoride in Battlefield Water Could Be Removed

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Whether to keep fluoride in city water is the issue facing resiFluoride in Battlefield Water Could Be Removeddents in Battlefield. It's a tale of two opinions when it comes to the effectiveness of the fluoride. 

BATTLEFIELD, Mo.--"The CDC has named it one of the best public health initiatives that we've ever had so yeah it's a good thing to do," says dentist Dr. Marlene Feisthamel.

Dr. Feisthamel is concerned about what removing fluoride from the city's water can mean for the health of teeth.

"It helps not only young people, kids because it gets incorporated into their tooth structure and you get a topical effect that's anti-cavity as well and it helps elderly people. As you age, you tend to get gum recession so it actually helps prevent cavities on the gum line in older people too," says Feisthamel.

Even though dentists say that fluoride in water helps prevent cavities, there are still some residents in Battlefield who want to see it removed.

"I've read online and heard bad things about fluoride being in the water. What I've read is it's not necessary with everybody going to the dentist so frequently and everything. It was just something they did a long time ago," says Battlefield resident David Shipley.

"It's safe at seven points per million, is absolutely safe. If you imagine one million pennies, and it's less than one penny that goes in the water so it's a very small amount," says Feisthamel.

So why is having fluoride in city water potentially on the chopping block? KOLR 10 News went to the public water supply district to find out and we were told no comment until they make a final decision in June, but some city officials believe it's all about the water district's bottom line including Dr. Feisthamel.

"The water district tells us it's about money. I don't know that's the case. We've found funding for the water district," says Feisthamel.

There will be a public meeting on June 20th where the issue whether to keep the fluoride in the drinking water will be discussed by the water district board followed by a final decision.

If the fluoride is such a small harmless amount why the millions thrown into the fight to make it compulsory?  If it is such a small amount either it has no affect or it does and why would it affect just teeth?


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